Open House - Redhill - 1982...

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Red Hill Open House. Prism terminals were set up in the Red Hill Cafeteria for visitors to play those "high-tech"
Reality "games". On the right: Gary Moote, Greg Lawson and Wolfe Pauli.

(L to R): Bob Purdy, Jack Eastwick, Gary Liebl, Don Fuller, Jerry Fleming, Vern Hart, Jack Bonnie

(reverse angle) (L to R): Bob Purdy, Jack Eastwick, Gary Liebl, Don Fuller, Jerry Fleming, Vern Hart, Jack Bonnie

(another photo with a similar line-up)

Potluck picnic at Open House

The first floor of the Red Hill building in what used to be Purchasing.

Potluck at Redhill in conjunction with Open House. L-R: Julie Feaster, Chris Helgrud, Dale Gioffre, Al Hargadon, unknown