Barbara Lee and Jack Bonne
Susan Greenwald and Jim Biernacki
Laura Robertson and Helen Carrol
Pat Dwight
Postcard circa 1988...
PREEMINENCE - Powerful, sleek, and amazingly efficient. That's the way the
Series 18 computer from McDonnell Douglas Computer Systems Company has been
described. With large disk, memory, and user capacities, the Series 18 is
ideal for large scale organizations.
Another System Integration postcard...
"The Towers"
"The Towers"
(Back Row/Standing): Wes Bundy, Rebecca Hall, Hugh Sheean,
Pat Martin, Kerry Dancer, John Seaman, unknown,
Mark Friedman, Jim Presley, Dan Dawson, Dave Solorzano, Pat Dwight
(Front/Seated): Nicki Mahnke, Donna St. Jean, unknown, Darlene Entimani,
Novadyne magazine ad
Kathy Mobilia, Pat Dwight, Pam Vadeboncoeur