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Novadyne Communique - Founders Editions July 1990
Click here or on the picture above to open a PDF of the Communique -
Novadyne Founder's Day Edition - July 1990
Novadyne magazine ad
(Back Row/Standing): Wes Bundy, Rebecca Hall, Hugh Sheean,
Pat Martin, Kerry Dancer, John Seaman,
Mark Friedman, Jim Presley, Dan Dawson, Dave Solorzano, Pat Dwight
(Front/Seated): Nicki Mahnke, Donna St. Jean, unknown, Darlene Entimani,
Novadyne Headquarters
Novadyne Network Support Group:
(L2R) Helen James, Steve Moore, Niki Jhaveri, Craig Steigler, Randy Jordan, Richard Yeh,
Mauro Mendoza
Larry Fox and Bert Novak - in front of Redhill building
Novadyne Leaders - Bill Kersten, Bert Novak, Rich Heimann,
Hans Kintsch, Larry Fox,
Novadyne Marketing: Kathy Mobilia, Pat Dwight, Pam Vadeboncoeur
Novadyne Headquarters