Gene Schmidt, Fran Ratcliff, Sue Knight, Judy Zoerhof

Company Picnic - John Hartog (throwing), Angel Melendrez (in

Company Picnic - Marsha Clark and Mary Lou Devine

Halloween - John Luttrell (Elvis), Patricia Bravo (as Minnie Mouse)

Dan Zatyko of Product Support impersonating Harry Anderson
Cheers and Night Court.

(L to R): Bob Purdy, Jack Eastwick, Gary Liebl, Don Fuller,
Jerry Fleming, Vern Hart, Jack Bonne

(reverse angle) (L to R): Bob Purdy, Jack Eastwick, Gary
Liebl, Don Fuller, Jerry Fleming, Vern Hart, Jack Bonne

(another photo with a similar line-up)

Potluck picnic at Open House

The first floor of the Red Hill building in what
used to be Purchasing.

Potluck at Redhill in conjunction with Open House. L-R: Julie
Feaster, Chris Helgrud, Dale Gioffre, Al Hargadon, unknown

Claudia Duble

Richard Fields

Allen Michler, Shawn & Chuck Cady July 1983 - Microdata Picnic

Cyndy Hambly (Spencer)

Red Hill Open House. Prism terminals were set up in the Red
Hill Cafeteria for visitors to play those "high-tech"
Reality "games". On the right: Gary Moote, Greg Lawson and Wolfe Pauli.

Holiday Party (year unknown): Clyde Martin, Hector Sierra,
Daniel Esparza and several unknowns

The Wizard and the Swami - identities unknown...

Mike Newkirk and family

Manufacturing Open House

Manufacturing Open House

Manufacturing Open House - Chris Helgrud and family and Ted Keesey

Manufacturing Open House (L-R): are Gary McGinnis, Russ Shupe, Jack Walker, and Jerry "The Dish" Dischino

Manufacturing Open House - John Esparza from Reflex Test dept (far right)

Steve Gill's 40th Birthday Party. (L to R) Ralph Montalvo, Janet, cook (?), Maryann Riley and Cliff Myers

Award Ceremony - Janet Anderson and Greg Lawson

Award Ceremony - Jim Lawson

Award Ceremony - Janet Anderson and Greg Lawson, (Bill
Schrader, Dick Samstag, John Martin in background)

Linda and Ted Ellison honing their chopstick technique

Ted seems to have got a little carried away and does his best
"I am the Walrus" impersonation

Walter Brown and Santa (Glenn Cheek) - (I think we all know
what Walter
got in his stocking that year!).
Photo courtesy Kerry Dancer.

Paul Anderson and Karen Lentz

Stan Goodrich

Walt Brown - Knott's Berry Farm (circa 1984)

Microdata Fishing Trip 1984
Ed Gruber, Gary Finkel ,dont remember next gentleman as he transferred out
of our office before I arrived, and last seated on right is Jack Bartel.
Standing from right: Mike McDevitt, Ralph Johnson, Bob Bender, Greg Ingham,
Russ Boden

Microdata Fishing Trip 1984 - Ed Gruber
PICK Systems Season's Greetings (courtesy Jim Stephens) -
Roll over the picture for number labels:
1. Kay Gooding, 2. Terri Hale, 3. Sean Miles, 4. Kevin
Gooding, 5. Heidi Becker, 6. Minh Khai Nguyen, 7. Chinsun Kim, 8. Tonya
Lambrose Ruiz, 9. Herb Rubin, 10. Jordan Baldwin Wells,
11. Chris Alvarez, 12. Renee Brown, 13. Jeanneane Rosenbaum, 14. Sandy
Arteaga, 15. Marshall Neill, 16. Steve Middleton, 17. Hilary Hawkins, 18.
Brenda Flanagan, 19. Nicki Hughes Alvarez,
20. Huong Ton, 21. Tim Rude, 22. Carol Oliver-Partee, 23. Knixh Keller, 24.
Rhonda Roman, 25. Phil Choi, 26. MaryRose Athenasiades, 27. Rick Davies, 28.
Mary Fletcher, 29. Minh Hoang,
30. Betty Masterson, 31. Chad Marsh, 32. Eric Soirot, 33. Leo Schade, 34.
Chris Hastings, 35. Phil Earl, 36. Roxi Faircloth, 37. Bart Alvarez, 38.
Dick Pick, 39. Janet Cioffi, 40. Craig Nuttal,
41. Gil Figueroa, 42. Irene Santoyo, 43. Mary Carpenter, 44. Henry Vu, 45.
Rolando Ruiz, 46. Mark Brown, 47. Dee Reese, 48. Sharm Cressey, 49. John
Wells, 50. Dave Zigray, 50A. Deanna Norris,
51. Chan Lee, 51A. T.W. Chang, 52. Wayne McLaren, between 27,3,4, 30. Said
Beik Rassouli |

Novadyne Christmas 1991 - Bob Aull, Mike Bingaman

Novadyne Christmas 1991 - Richard Yeh, Joe Kelly

Novadyne Christmas 1991 - Ralph Montalvo, Mike Bingaman, Susie Seipel, Mike Rorman, Mark Onoda

1991 Xmas Potluck
Looks like Gary Moote trying to figure out what this homeless encampment is outside his cube!
Seated: Cherylyn Pope, Susan Ewing, Gary Moote, Ralph Montalvo, Joe Kelly, Janet Altman, Susie Seipel, Mark Onoda
Standing Jim Smith, Bob Aull; Seated by window: Keith Peterson, Richard Yeh, Niki Jhaveri

Novadyne Christmas 1991 - L-R: Jim Smith, Joe Kelley, Richard Yeh, Greg Mount, Mary Lou Janisch, Nancy Whitney

Novadyne Christmas 1991 - L-R; Loretta Jackson, Ralph Montalvo, Bob Aull, Brent Barrett

2023 Microdata Veterans Day breakfast: Henry Eggers and Steve Gill (U.S. Army), John Denney (U.S. Coast Guard), Rick Bullard (U.S.A.F.), Steve Moore (U.S. Navy), and Garrett Hildebrand (USMC). Also in attendance was Nicol Brown who took this photo.